How to Make Cake Flour

When you’re into baking, getting the right kind of flour can make a big difference, especially when it comes to making soft and moist cakes. 

In this guide, we’re going to learn a simple trick to make cake flour at home using regular all-purpose flour and cornstarch. It’s like having a backup plan for your baking adventures – no need to worry if you run out of cake flour. 

Whether you’re a pro baker or just enjoy some kitchen fun, mastering this easy trick will level up your cake game. 

Let’s explore the straightforward process of creating your own cake flour substitute, ensuring that you always have the key to soft and delicious cakes right in your kitchen.

What is Cake Flour?

Cake flour is a type of flour that is specifically designed for baking cakes, providing a finer texture and lighter consistency compared to all-purpose flour. 

It’s made from soft wheat varieties and has a smaller protein level, usually between 5 and 8 percent. Because cake flour has less protein, it doesn’t form as much gluten when it’s mixed, which makes the crumb of cakes lighter and more tender. 

This fine-textured flour is ideal for recipes where a delicate and fluffy texture is desired, making it a go-to choice for many baking enthusiasts.

Cake Flour Versus All Purpose Flour

Let’s talk about cake flour and all-purpose flour – two important ingredients in baking. 

Cake flour is like a specialist; it’s super fine and has less protein. This makes it great for cakes because it gives them a soft and tender texture. 

On the other hand, all-purpose flour is like an all-around player. It’s good for a lot of recipes because it has a bit more protein, giving baked goods a bit more structure. 

So, when it comes to choosing between cake flour and all-purpose flour, it depends on what you’re baking. 

If you want something really soft like a cake, go for cake flour. 

If you’re making something like cookies or bread, all-purpose flour is a good bet. Each flour has its job, and knowing when to use them can make your baking adventures even more fun!

How to Make a Cake Flour Substitute

Making a cake flour substitute at home is a simple and handy skill for any baker. 

If you find yourself out of cake flour but have all-purpose flour on hand, don’t worry – you can easily create a substitute with just two common ingredients: all-purpose flour and cornstarch.

Here’s a quick and easy method to make your own cake flour substitute:

  1. Take 1 cup of all-purpose flour.
  2. Scoop out 2 tablespoons of the flour.
  3. Put 2 tablespoons of cornstarch in place of the flour that was taken out.
  4. Whisk or sift the mixture thoroughly to ensure even distribution.

And that’s it! Your homemade cake flour substitute is now ready to use in your favorite recipes, delivering the softness and tenderness associated with traditional cake flour. 

It’s a convenient solution for those moments when your stock of cake flour runs low, ensuring that you can keep baking your favorite light and fluffy treats.

Cake Flour In Baking

You might wonder, “What happens if I use all-purpose flour instead of cake flour, or vice versa?” Well, the good news is, in most cases, it’s not a disaster. 

Many people, myself included, sometimes switch these flours without ending up with a baking disaster like you’d see on a show like “Nailed It!” But here’s the catch – your baked goodies won’t be as soft and delicate.

There are a few exceptions, though. For instance, chocolate cake can end up too tender and fragile with cake flour because it already has cocoa powder, which is finely milled. 

The same goes for recipes like carrot cake with added fruits or veggies, such as zucchini bread. The extra moisture from these ingredients calls for sturdier flour. In these cases, it’s better to stick with all-purpose.

I usually go for cake flour in recipes that need a lighter texture. And here’s the even better news – you can easily turn your all-purpose flour into a substitute for cake flour with just one ingredient.

Let’s Turn All-Purpose Flour Into Cake Flour!

If you’ve already started making fluffy cupcakes but realized you’re out of fine flour, don’t worry. Making a homemade substitute is quick and easy. To make all-purpose flour more like cake flour, just add starch – specifically, cornstarch. Here’s what you’ll need:

It is very easy to make this replacement. When you have 1 cup of all-purpose flour, take out 2 tablespoons and put them in place of the cornstarch. 

Whisk or sift the mixture in a bowl, and there you go! Your flour is now ready to use in all your light and chewy desserts.

How to Store

Keeping your flour fresh is key to ensuring the success of your baking adventures. To do this, store it in a cool and dry spot, away from direct sunlight – a pantry is perfect. 

However, if you happen to live in a warmer climate or plan to keep your flour for more than a year, consider storing it in the freezer. The chilly temperatures in the freezer help maintain the freshness of the flour, keeping it in top-notch condition for up to two years. 

So, whether you’re a frequent baker or an occasional one, these storage tips will ensure your flour is always ready to contribute to your culinary creations.

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